Power of 3

Facing the Facts on the Climate Agenda

We haven’t been successful in curbing Atmospheric CO2 increase, the major cause for Global Warming because:
    1. Decisions by Political Leadership are as changeable as political terms in office
    2. Governments are afraid to impose carbon taxes and Business is resistant to supporting it in these uncertain economic times
    3. Funding for the instruments of change are insufficient and have political strings attached
    4. Oil, Coal & Gas are not supportive and view the Climate Agenda as very detrimental to the future of their businesses
    5. The Public is not fully engaged as a worldwide community and thinks that the problem is too big
      • will not happen in their lifetime
      • involves too much sacrifice

A Project as large as The International Water Grid (IWG), that spans the globe, can only address the Climate Change problem and Repair the Planet if it is itself, resilient with Global Support. It is first and foremost a technology driven business to address key issues of the Climate Agenda. It needs:

          1. HUGE funding necessary for the construction of its pipes.
          2. Independence and Stature as a guardian for the Planet to ensure that the goals of Climate Change and Repairing the Planet are achieved.

The Holistic Solution

The World needs

    1. A FOCUS similar to the Moonshot by President John F Kennedy in 1961 for the USA to lead the space race but this time to rally the World to action on repairing our planet
    2. A Worldwide Institution of respected APOLITICAL people with the sole view to repair our precious Earth
    3. To secure resilient and HUGE funding for this repair work of both Climate and Nature

Power of 3 for Change

The DRIVER – The Resilient Foundation (TRF):

    1. Keeping the Climate Agenda on track
    2. Ensuring that all sustainability goals are maintained by both International Water Grid (IWG) and Sustainable Oil & Coal (SO&C)
    3. Receiving $100+ billion annually from SO&C through a profit-sharing agreement
    4. Supporting all institutions and technologies involved in the repair of our precious Earth and all its treasured Species with SUSTAINAVIABILITY through structured mutualism

The ENGINE – The International Water Grid (IWG):

    1. Collecting excess water from rivers and the melting ice flowing into the oceans
    2. Moving it through large under-ocean plastic pipes to arid regions of the world
    3. Growing trees in the deserts
    4. Sequestering the CO2 from the atmosphere.
    5. Creating a new 50-billion-ton plastic market for sustainable players in the fossil fuel industry

The FUEL – Sustainable Oil & Coal (SO&C):

    1. Maintaining current production levels
    2. Diverting an additional 2.5% per year of energy products to plastics for the next 20 years
    3. Producing inert plastics using renewable energy
    4. Supplying the IWG project
    5. Sharing incremental profits from increased oil demand with the TRF
    6. Investing in renewables for energy shortfalls


The International Water Grid (IWG) is a forward-thinking project that offers an immediate solution to global warming, whilst providing a sustainable and profitable transition for the oil and coal industries.

Contact Us

Email : contact@internationalwatergrid.com
Phone :
+603 8941 8118
Fax :
+603 8941 8228